I offer counselling services for families, couples, and individuals (children, teen, and adults). To ensure I am the right counsellor for you, please contact me for a free 20 minute phone consultation.



Your first session will include an intake and orientation component.  Intake forms may be filled out prior to your session or can be done with me. Intake is to help orient your Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) on basic information regarding safety, structure, contact information, and basic information regarding your health.


$120.00 (tax included) for a 50 minute individual and couples session (couples can also mean child and parent, essentially a party of two)

$160.00 (tax included) for a 90 minute family or group session (this includes 3 or more people)

*Please note: prices are subject to change at any given time. Your Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) will provide notice to any changes.


Payment is received up front before your session starts. A receipt is issued immediately once payment is received. You can pay by cash, cheque, or  direct e-money transfer.

Extended benefits coverage:

Please connect with your extended health care plan regarding counselling services from an RCC. You will be responsible for paying the session fee upfront but if you are eligible through your employer you may be reimbursed.

Length of sessions:

Regular Sessions are 50 minutes in length. Your RCC will inform you when you have 10 minutes left in your session to ensure we have time for closure and re-booking if necessary.

Cancellations, No shows, and late arrivals:


If you are cancelling your appointment, please provide 5 hours’ notice from your scheduled appointment time.

No Shows

If you miss your appointment without contacting your RCC with prior notice (ie No show), a full session fee will be owed at your next session.

Late Arrivals

Due to my availability, I may not always be able to accommodate late arrivals. Your session time is reserved for you and if I cannot accommodate you, your session will end at the scheduled time. I am flexible and I understand that things happen but it is dependent on my availability/ schedule.