Category: Employment Struggles

Mental Health and Employment

Supervisory support is essential in any workplace setting. CBC wrote a compelling article on mental illness in the workplace. The article highlighted the barriers that workplace settings have in dealing with staff with mental illnesses. The lack of engagement or apathy in assisting staff under duress contributes to a toxic work climate. Through  training, resources, acknowledgement, and genuineness workplace culture with mental health would vastly improve.

Job Burnout

Let’s face it, many people do not love their jobs. We spend most of our time with our colleagues then we do our own loved ones. This can be hard. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired and generally unhappy with your work situation, you may be leading towards burnout. Take a look at this article that may help you determine if you are burnout or signs leading to burnout.

Unemployment and Personality Changes

Here is an article about unemployment and personality changes. The stigma relating to people who are unemployed has a detrimental effects on their personality and wellbeing. This article articulates how unemployment and personality alterations impact your ability to find and keep new jobs. I found that there are many underlying barriers that prevent people from sustaining employment and personality is one aspect of it. What do you think?