Author: Magda

Therapeutic Apps?

Therapeutic Apps are a great start in normalizing mental illnesses and a good attempt at urging people to seek self management/ coping. Yet, I question how would a person know when to seek professional help? The article linked has an in depth perspective on how treating mental illnesses with an app is not a sufficient substitute.

Divorcing Your Mother

What a concept? I found this article interesting. Mostly because it has a lot to do with the self. There are a lot to gain from reading this article if you struggle with a parent. The takeaway i found most interesting was this excerpt:

“[O]ne of the tasks of healthy development, whether or not one chooses to eliminate or limit contact with a mother in the real world, is to deal with the mother inside of ourselves. This means that we have to learn not to treat ourselves as we were treated by our mothers, and also not to choose partners who are like our mothers. (Often, despite our best intentions, we repeat that pattern.)”

Such an incredible insight in destructive views of self that I feel is helpful in building our awareness to stop any patterned behaviours.

#isurviveandTHRIVE, By Margaret Cho

I am profoundly touched by Margaret Cho’s activism. Her live tweets to encourage and support sexual assault survivors in speaking out against their violation has had a large impact on the public. Taking back your power and showing your resiliency is so important for the healing process to begin. By hashtagging #isurviveandTHRIVE you can stand up and speak out too.