Children and Mindfulness

Mindfulness may feel like a buzz word that is floating around. The fact is, it is not a buzz word or a fad. It is a way of life and can provide you with meaning and purpose. Essentially, to be mindful it means to be attuned to your feelings, thoughts, surroundings, and body. That may sound overwhelming but once you get the hang of it, it will become a natural process.

Unfortunately, our society tends to focus on doing things in a fast pace without really taking notice of how it impacts you. This way of existence can cause many forms of ailments, such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, It is important to notice and take time for yourself. Start each day by noticing your breath and how it moves in and out of your body. That will lead you into other avenues to be attuned.

I found an article that provides 7 ways to teach your children about mindfulness. Since role modelling is one of the essential components to a healthy attachment, do it with them!

Here is a video on how mindfulness can empower you. Enjoy!

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