Self- Compassion

We tend to mold our identity and self- worth based on what others tell us and how we are treated. Prolonged exposure to toxic and damaging environments can lead to a lowered self-compassion. There is a way out, so don’t despair, things will get better.

Watch this animated short film about self compassion. The video provides 6 steps in developing a compassionate heart and mind.

Summary of the 6 steps:

  1. It is okay and normal to fail. Life is a journey filled with lessons that help you become resilient and stronger.
  2. Family patterns are not our fault. What happened in the past may explain what contributes to your problems, but it does not define you.
  3. Social media influences glamorizes lifestyles, which may not be genuine. It is important to never compare.
  4. Luck is real and a genuine state of existence. We are not in control of luck, it just happens.
  5. Your whole self- worth isn’t your external achievements. There are more meaningful achievements such as, praise and encouragement from loved ones.
  6. Crises eventually end. By reducing expectations and having time to rest. It will get better.